Obtaining your Saint Leo Zoom License
  1. Log in to Okta: https://saintleo.okta.com

  2. Select the Zoom tile.

  3. Upon seeing the Zoom Profile Page, you now have an active SLU Zoom license.

  4. Once activated, you can manage your Zoom account settings and meetings via the OKTA Zoom tile or by visiting the Saint Leo Zoom information page. Be sure to download and install the Zoom Workplace Application for your desktop to start enjoying your Zoom experience.

Tech Tip Tuesday

D2L Gradebook Tips

Tuesday, December 3rd at 1:00 PM

Follow these steps to join Faculty Development Day!

1. Log into OKTA First!

2. Join Zoom Events

3. Enter the Zoom Events Lobby and Choose Your Itinerary

4. Joint “Opening Remarks” Session at 8:30 AM

5. Enjoy the Fally 2024 Faculty Development Day