
Book-Marked! August’s Book Recommendation from the CTLE

The CTLE offers “Book-Marked,” a monthly book recommendation from our CTLE professional library.   

August’s featured book is: 

Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes
 Flower Darby & James Langsmallteachingonline_darby_blog

Description:  Small Teaching Online emphasizes the power of small and strategic changes to significantly improve student learning in online courses.  The book offers practical strategies and theoretical principles to help online instructors support their students and achieve success in online learning environments.  It discusses best practices around educational technologies, strategies for building community and collaboration, and minor changes that can be made to teaching practices that can result in success for both instructors and students.  The book also addresses specific challenges that online instructors face in higher education and presents research-based teaching techniques from an online instructional design expert and successful college professor. 

Peruse our online catalog and come by the CTLE office (Saint Edward Hall 102) to check out Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes or one of our other 100+ professional books for faculty. You can also review previous recommendations on our CTLE Library page. Happy Reading!

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