
Faculty Development Day Fall 2023 Call for Proposals

The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence is accepting proposals for Fall 2023 Faculty Development Day, where we will focus on “teaching for the future.” 

Instructors play an essential role in influencing student learning. Good instructors can also stimulate and guide students’ development so that their achievements exceed expectations. They have the potential to level the playing field and provide opportunities for success to all their students. Instructors can inspire students to innovate, think and reflect critically, and work collaboratively with others. Sharing best practices with our colleagues also helps us all achieve excellence in teaching so our students can excel in learning. This Faculty Development Day is where like-minded, future-facing educators who are passionate can come together to share ways to ensure today’s students are supported and prepared for everything the future has to offer. 

Theme:  Teach for the Future
Date:  Tuesday, August 15, 2023 
Place:  Online/Virtual 
Proposal Deadline:  Monday, May 8, 2023 

  1. 50-minute presentation – single presenter 
  2. 50-minute panel presentation – 2-3 presenters with a collaborative proposal

Themed tracks and possible topics include:

Teaching Best Practices

°  Active Learning
°  Collaborative Learning
°  Feedback that Fits

Technology Tools that Support Teaching and Learning 

° Microsoft 365 Tools and Strategies
° D2L Tools and Strategies  
° Artificial Intelligence

Online Teaching

° Engaging strategies
° Facilitating Student to Student Interaction
° Zoom Synchronous session strategies

Assessing Student Learning

° Formative assessments that “form” students 
° Authentic assessments that require creative thinking and problem-solving
° Assessments that develop students’ professional skills

Classroom Community and Sense of Belonging 

° Strategies to build positive classroom community 
° Managing conflict in the classroom 
° Microaggressions: prevention, intervention, healing

Taking Care of Students 

° Benefits of working with Student Success 
° Accessibility pointers 
° Strategies to Support Student Mental Health

Taking Care of Faculty

° Advice for First-Year Faculty 
° Security and Active threat response 
° Scholarship Resources and Support  

For more information on the themed tracks and to submit a proposal, visit theFaculty Development Day – Fall 2023 page on our website and complete the online form.

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Follow these steps to join Faculty Development Day!

1. Log into OKTA First!

2. Join Zoom Events

3. Enter the Zoom Events Lobby and Choose Your Itinerary

4. Joint “Opening Remarks” Session at 8:30 AM

5. Enjoy the Fally 2024 Faculty Development Day