Using formative assessment and polling tools are a great way to provide feedback during learning when students still have time to adjust their performanceThis may take the form of a survey, quiz, or poll.  Formative assessments are usually low stakes, less time consuming, and intended to give students the opportunity to grow.  

Here is an article titled “How to Give Your Students Better Feedback With Technology”.  This article is available free through The Chronicle. If you don’t already have a free account, you’ll be prompted to sign up.

Explore These Tools:

Browse these great resources and choose the best tool for an effective and engaging assessment in and out of class. 

What Happens When Students Have More Chances to Master Concepts

Three Lessons Learned: Redefining Course Preparation for Online Teaching

The Power of Authentic Assessment in the Age of AI

How to Use Tic Tac Toe Bingo to Assess Learning: A Fun and Easy Assessment Game.

Poll Everywhere – This interactive tool is for gaining feedback from students or meeting participants.  You can choose from different activity types that encourage students to participate while collecting feedback in real time. 

Microsoft Forms – Microsoft Forms is a web-based application that is a part of the Office 365 suite. Forms is an easy-to-use tool that allows users to create engaging forms, surveys and quizzes to distribute with anyone. 

D2L Survey – D2L Survey is a tool built into each online course.  With D2L Survey, you can create surveys that solicit feedback from your students about any aspect of your course. 

Zoom Polling – Polling is a feature built in directly in Zoom.   It allows the meeting owner to create single or multiple-choice questions that can be launched during a meeting.   

D2L Self Assessment – The D2L Self-Assessment tool is best used to help students practice what they learn without being formally graded.    

D2L Quizzes – D2L Quizzes can be used for summative and formative assessments.   It can be used as a pre-assessment for new content. 

Survey Monkey – Survey Monkey is a free, web-based tool that allows users to create engaging surveys such as a mid-term survey to your students. 

Kahoot – Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Play in class or at your convenience by assigning a challenge. 

Socrative – Quizzes, surveys, team activities, and content from educators around the world – all in one easy-to-use assessment tool. 

GoFormative – Teachers use Formative to see student work in real-time, give feedback, track student progress to learning standards, and collaborate around common assessment data. 

Plickers  – For teachers all over the world, Plickers is a revolutionary way to collect instant multiple-choice responses from students, without requiring them to have clickers, computers, or tablets. By using a printed card with a design unique to each student, our iOS and Android apps allow teachers to scan student responses and respond in real-time. Plickers is data without devices. 

Top Hat  – An easy-to-use tool to engage your students in the classroom with polls, quizzes, discussions and more, even on the fly. 

Quizizz – Find and create free gamified quizzes and interactive lessons to engage any learner. 

GoSoapBox – Use GoSoapBox’s  student response system to create quizzes and discussions for formative assessment and get students contributing. 

Quizalize – Engage your class with fun quizzes. Get instant data on student mastery. Automatically assign differentiated follow-up activities. 

Google Forms – Whip up a quick poll, create a pop quiz, survey your audience, and more with Google Forms. Choose from a bunch of question options, from multiple choice to dropdowns to a linear scale. Add images and YouTube videos, or get fancy with page branching and question skip logic. Add collaborators to have anyone – colleagues or students – build with you.