Webinars are 60-minute live sessions that often feature guest speakers and are delivered via Zoom. They offer conversations and opportunities to learn more about a variety of topics that are important to faculty. Every semester is different, and our Webinars provide a space to talk about the latest technologies, best practices in teaching and learning, and current topics like digital wellness and self-care.
This page offers more details about this semester’s offerings, including descriptions and times. Please note that registration is required to get a link to our Webinars. To reserve your spot, please visit our CTLE Events Calendar or select Register Here beneath the webinar titles below.
Have questions or an idea for future Webinars? Let us know!
Topic (Resources) | Date | Time | Description |
Boost Productivity & Online Sessions with AI | 4/3/24 | 2:00 PM | In this presentation, we explored the setup process for both Zoom AI Companion and Microsoft Copilot. Additionally, we dove into practical use cases spanning teaching, meetings, and productivity. |
AI Productivity Hacks | 11/2/23 | 2:00 PM | In this presentation, faculty and staff will learn practical applications of AI that can help increase productivity and efficiency. Gain valuable insights and tools that can be used to harness the power of artificial intelligence in your work. |
AI Strategies for the Writing-Intensive Classroom | 10/5/23 | 2:30 PM | When it comes to writing with AI, what will our graduates be allowed or expected to do in their workplaces? Will they use AI tools to organize, revise, edit, and create content? Hear from a marketing leader and Saint Leo Creative Writing graduate who uses AI every day with her team of writers. Learn how to use AI in practical ways to help prepare our students for their future careers. |
AI Writing in the Workplace: Practical Professional Applications from a Creative Writing Graduate | 9/13/23 | 2:30 PM | When it comes to writing with AI, what will our graduates be allowed or expected to do in their workplaces? Will they use AI tools to organize, revise, edit, and create content? Hear from a marketing leader and Saint Leo Creative Writing graduate who uses AI every day with her team of writers. Learn how to use AI in practical ways to help prepare our students for their future careers. |
Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education | 5/10/23 | 1:00 PM | New ways of leveraging AI in industry, our students’ future professions, and academia continue to develop. As we look back on this semester, what have we learned about student use of AI, our assessment strategies, and how we might effectively use AI in our classes and various disciplines? Let’s continue the conversation about AI and higher education, specifically exploring lessons learned and looking toward the future. |
Learn from Learners: Student Panel | 3/29/23 | 11:30 AM | Give faculty an opportunity to hear from diverse students about their educational journey, what students prefer when it comes to teaching and learning, and how faculty can positively impact their experience at Saint Leo. |
Supporting Students with D2L Data | 3/23/23 | 1:00 PM | This presentation will empower instructors to find insights into course data to help students succeed. Learn what questions your course data can answer, where to find data in your courses, and how to create custom reports, all from the perspectives of both analytics administration and teaching faculty. |
It’s Not Just a Video, It’s Edpuzzle | 3/8/2023 | 2:00 PM | Learn how to use Edpuzzle to engage students with a video and keep track of their progress. Incorporate different types of questions and tools to keep student attention on what they are learning. Never let your students get bored by just watching a video again! |
ChatGPT Faculty Panel | 3/1/2023 | 12:30 PM | Artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on higher education have been the subject of much discussion in recent weeks. With its ability to draw from millions of data resources and generate human-like text, ChatGPT has the potential to transform the way we teach and learn. The possibilities are endless, but so are the concerns. Join the conversation about the impact of AI on teaching and learning. |
Flippin’ Awesome Workshop | 2/22/23 | 2:00 PM | A follow-up workshop based on the “Flippin’ Awesome Webinar” will focus on helping faculty learn to use and set up Flip for their upcoming courses. Join us in person and get started flippin’ your courses! |
Using Google Docs in the Classroom: Fun, Flexibility, and Anonymous Blobfish | 2/21/23 | 2:00 PM | This webinar will provide the reasoning for a professor’s switch from Microsoft Word to Google Docs in the classroom. It will also demonstrate how to use Google Docs to create syllabi, schedules, and in-class exercises where students can practice their annotation skills and more actively engage with course material. |
Handy Video and Collaboration Tools for the Classroom | 1/26/23 | 1:00 PM | Learn about various tools to enhance faculty courses. Increase your student’s engagement with the interactive video tool, Edpuzzle, learn how to foster student collaboration on Doodly, and more! |
Promote Your Program with Library Support | 10/31/22 | 1:00 PM | Team up with a librarian to create a guide for your degree program. The new Explore Sociology guide serves as an example of a new way to bring attention to your degree program. The guide provides students with information about major and minor requirements but also brings attention to specific popular classes, connects students to professional organizations, and serves as a location for videos and future content. |
Cultivating Sense of Belonging: Literacies of Gratitude | 10/27/22 | 2:00 PM | This event will focus on a beginning-of-class “warm up” technique that has yielded positive benefits in the area of student sense of belonging with an emphasis on emotional and social presence. |
A Conversation about Work-Life Balance | 10/24/22 | 12:30 PM | An honest conversation about managing life and working toward a better version of ourselves at work and at home. Panelists and participants will share strategies they’ve used to manage stress, avoid burnout, and take better care of ourselves. |
Flippin’ Awesome – No More Dead Discussion Boards | 10/18/22 | 12:30 PM | This event will show professors how Flipgrid works. We will provide examples of engagement and differences in discussion threads/versus video interactions. Faculty can use as students would- engage/respond to practice prompts. Part presentation- part workshop to help attendees set up and use the tool. |
Spiritual Wellness Faculty Panel | 10/13/22 | 12.30 PM | The last few years have been challenging for all of us in so many ways. Self-care and personal wellness have become more important than ever before. Spiritual wellness is one aspect of personal wellness. Engage with a faculty panel who will share their insights on spiritual wellness, how they have navigated these last few difficult years, and how spiritual wellness is a part of their lives. |
Top Tips for the First Days of Class | 8/25/22 | 2:00 PM | Join CTLE as we look at some of our favorite tips for having a great start to the semester. We will share organization, communication, active learning, and classroom community-building tips. |
Course Copy Webinar | 5/11/22 | 1:00 PM | Copying components saves instructors from having to recreate course resources from scratch. You can copy such course components as Content, Announcements, Assignments, Gradebook, Quizzes, course files, etc. In this webinar, we will guide you through how to copy those components from one course to another. |
Tips and Tactics to Accelerate Your Research and Scholarship | 4/13/22 | 2:00 PM | In this webinar, faculty give tips and tactics to accelerate your research and scholarship. They also discuss additional ideas and help make connections for future projects. |
Faculty Panel: Sharing Best Practices for Developing Hybrid Courses | 3/23/22 | 12:00 PM | Faculty members share their experiences, strategies, and tips for teaching in multiple modalities (on-ground, Zoom, online). |
Four Tools to Support Instruction in any Modality | 3/8/22 | 12:00 PM | Discover ways to use Padlet, Flipgrid, Annotations, and Video Feedback in D2L in this webinar. Strategies for engaging students during asynchronous activities will also be discussed. |
Deeper Dive: Part 2 of – D2L Analytics for Instructors | 3/2/22 | 12:00 PM | Deeper Dive Analytics for Instructors: It sounds complicated, but it is easy! This hands-on workshop provides a deeper dive into course-level analytics. We will explore more use cases for course data, using Intelligent Agents for reporting, and exporting data for more insight across your courses. This session is best after attending session #1 (Easy Analytics) or for experienced users. |
Students’ Sense of Belonging: Understanding the Impact of Culturally Engaging Campus Environments | 2/23/22 | 12:00 PM | Context matters. Students’ perceptions of context shape their sense of belonging. Dr. Will Hamilton and Daniel Duerr will present findings from their recent statistical analyses of Saint Leo Students’ “Sense of Belonging.” |
Easy D2L Analytics | 2/16/22 | 12:00 PM | This session focuses on the basics of your course data, specifically what information you can find on different activities. Participants will dive into one of their courses to locate data and ask real-time questions. This session is perfect for the novice or advanced user who wants a refresher. |
Active Learning and Classroom Community | 2/1/22 | 12:00 PM | In this webinar, you will learn about the importance of building classroom community and how active learning can enhance this through different strategies. |
Assessment Design and Active Learning | 1/25/22 | 12:00 PM | In this webinar, we discussed assessment design and active learning strategies in face-to-face, zoom, and asynchronous classes. |
Using Your Course Shell to Support Instruction | 1/12/22 | 10:30 AM | In this webinar, you will learn how to add content to your D2L course and use that shell to support instruction in your on-ground class. Strategies for leveraging the course shell to create stronger feedback loops and create opportunities to build long-term memory for our students will also be covered. |
Getting Off To A Great Start | 1/11/22 | 1:00 PM | In this session, you will learn about different ways to get your semester off to a great start. You will be shown examples and strategies around organization, communication, active learning, and building a classroom community. |
Faculty Panel: Social Justice | 11/2/21 | 2:00 PM | Social justice in education means creating a classroom environment where everyone feels welcome, safe, and valued. It demands equity for all students while embracing the growth that can come from the diversity of individuals in their backgrounds, experiences, and values. This faculty panel discussion highlights social justice and how instructors can improve their courses for the benefit of all students. |
Faculty Panel: Active Learning | 10/27/21 | 12:00 PM | Active learning engages the student in the learning process by requiring them to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing. This can happen in the form of collaborative problem solving, debate and discussion over a topic or question, conducting research to support a position or idea, or a variety of other strategies. Join us for a faculty panel discussion on active learning in a face-to-face or online learning environment. |
Mindful Teaching Webinar | 10/21/21 | 12:00 PM | How can we benefit from mindfulness both inside and outside the classroom? In this session, we will explore mindfulness and discuss techniques that can be used both in the classroom and in our personal lives. Opportunities to practice will be included as a part of the session. |
Faculty Panel – The Benefits of Creating and Maintaining a Strong Working Relationship Between Instructional Librarians and Professors | 10/5/21 | 12:00 PM | This discussion will begin by highlighting peer-reviewed research on the importance of possessing a firm working relationship between instructional librarians and professors, both online and physically in the classroom. We will then have a panel discussion on how at Saint Leo these interactions have proved successful and as a result, enriched student learning. Thereafter, we will encourage discussion regarding how the engagement does or could improve outcomes in Saint Leo courses, both virtually and in-house. |
How to integrate the Saint Leo Core Values and Citation Styles (MLA, APA, ASA) in one simple activity | 9/30/21 | 12:00 PM | Do your students cite correctly? Are they internalizing the Saint Core Values? Due to student questions in our live chats, we’ve identified a core assignment that can potentially help students learn both. Attendees will leave knowing how to integrate the Saint Leo Core Values and Citation Styles (MLA, APA, ASA) in one simple activity. Online tools will be provided for future use. |
Teaching from Behind a Mask | 9/16/21 | 12:00 PM | What visual and audible cues are being lost or distorted because of masking? More importantly, what can an instructor do to overcome the challenge of teaching from behind a mask? We tackle this topic and provide some strategies for teaching as well as some exercises to strengthen your ability to communicate while masked. |
Creating Videos for Your Course | 8/19/21 | 10:00 AM | You will learn how to create a video. We will discuss when and why you should use video in your course, tips and tricks for creating videos, and where you should store them. |
Now, New, Next: the Ever Changing Simulated Experiences at Saint Leo | 8/19/21 | 1:00 PM | Exploring the simulation software’s newest updates and the endless possibilities for utilizing VR avatars and environments in your courses. |
Uploading Content to Your On-Ground Course Shell | 8/19/21 | 2:00 PM | In this webinar, you will learn how to add content to your D2L course. Course materials you post in Content can include documents, images, media files, presentations, URL links, and existing course activities. |
Feedback tools (text, audio, video, annotation tools) | 8/16/21 | 2:00 PM | In this webinar, you will learn the various feedback tools in D2L. We will share when and why you should use feedback tools and how to use each tool. |
Developing Dynamic Discussion Boards for On-Ground and On-Line | 8/16/21 | 12:00 PM | While we often think of discussion forums as part of online classes, using discussion boards in on-ground and blended learning environments holds great potential for engaging students, improving learning, and supporting teaching. In this webinar, we will explore some creative strategies for developing dynamic discussion boards that can be adapted for any delivery format. |
Joining Forces: Collaborative Tools in D2L and Beyond | 8/16/21 | 10:00 AM | Would you like to harness the power of educational alliances? Collaboration is an important part of the best teaching and learning experiences. In this webinar, discover some of the tools your students can wield when working together in D2L and beyond. |
Faculty Panel: “Teaching with Technology: Shaping the Future by Reflecting on the Past” | 8/11/21 | 12:00 PM | During this unique event, a panel of faculty members will share their experiences of using technologies during pandemic teaching. The panelists will reflect on the lessons learned over the last year and explore the ways in which their experiences with technologies will continue to shape their teaching practices. Rather than a formal presentation, this event has been designed to engage the panelists and audience in conversations about strategies and suggestions for bringing the best of what we have learned back into our classrooms. Our faculty panelists include Professors Holly Atkins, C’Lamt Ho, Monika Kiss, and Cynthia Selph. |