
Overview:   At Saint Leo, our classrooms have been set up with some of the latest technology for face-to-face and hybrid teaching. Each classroom is equipped with a classroom computer, at least one larger monitor, and a webcam/microphone for hybrid teaching. Video Conferencing in Zoom is the new normal for all of our Online and Hybrid classes. You can access a myriad of Zoom Resources on our CTLE Zoom page. You can also find great resources on teaching in a hybrid environment on our Hybrid Teaching page.   

Room Equipment Type:  Here is the university campus classroom equipment list. Find the classrooms you will be teaching in to make sure you access the appropriate instructions and video walk-through. Please consult with your local IT group/site Director/site VTT Facilitator, if necessary, to understand how to turn on your designated room. For tech support, call ext. 8888

Room Setups: 

  1. Hybrid – Main classroom technology training – rooms include new camera setup 
    1. Hybrid room setup instructions
  2. Zoom Room – Classroom training on using Zoom Room Equipment 
    1. Zoom room setup instructions
    2. Video Walkthrough
  3. Polycom  – Classroom training on using Polycom (VTT) Equipment 
    1.  Polycom room setup instructions
    2.  Video Walkthrough

*Class Zoom meetings should be created in D2L (Courses) before the start time of any given class.