Assessment is more than just about assigning grades. Although assessments can be used to assign a point value to student performance, they can also be used to shape student performance and to inform instructor decisions. Summative assessment essentially sums up a student’s performance at a point in time, often at the end of a unit, chapter, or semester. Formative assessment is used to “form” student learning and inform instructor practice.
An instructor may use formative assessment results to provide feedback during learning when students still have time to adjust their performance. This may take the form of quizzes, polls, feedback on drafts of writing, or peer review. Formative assessment is usually low-stakes, less time consuming, and intended to give students the opportunity to grow. It’s been said that “you can measure a student all you want, but that won’t make them grow.” Formative assessment supports student growth because learners receive feedback at a point when they can apply it improve their performance. Formative assessment also provides opportunities for instructors to determine whether they might need to reteach content before a higher-stakes summative assessment is administered. If students are doing poorly on quizzes, polls, or drafts, perhaps there is more or different teaching to be done.
Two analogies may help us think about the differences between summative and formative assessments. Summative assessment is to formative assessment as an autopsy is to a physical. Robert E. Stake, from the University of Illinois, explains that formative assessment is when the cook tastes the soup; summative assessment is when the guest tastes the soup.
Both forms of assessment are essential, but their purposes and impact are very different. Master instructors know the differences and use a variety of assessments effectively to support student learning.
Are Your Assessments Fair and Balanced?
Duke University’s Alternative Strategies for Assessment and Grading
TILT 2.0: How to Convey Your Expectations of a Class Assignment Effectively
How to Give Your Students Better Feedback with Technology
What is the Purpose of Final Exams, Anyway?
“They Don’t Read My Feedback!” Strategies to Encourage Reception and Application of Course Feedback
The tables below may offer more differences as well as examples of formative and summative assessments.
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Assessment for learning | Assessment of learning |
Purpose: to provide feedback/information to: a) improve/adjust instruction, and/or b) provide information to students to foster growth | Purpose: to evaluate student learning or mastery at the end of a chapter, unit, or course |
Focus on Process | Focus on Product |
Monitor Learning | Assess Learning |
Occurs During Instructional Process | Occurs at End of Instructional Process |
Informal or Formal | Formal |
Low Stakes / Low Point Value | High Stakes/ High Point Value |
Results used to provide feedback to support student growth or inform teacher practice | Results used to provide grades |
Provides opportunities to improve performance | No opportunity to change result/grade |
Examples of Assessment
Formative Assessments | Summative Assessments |
Quizzes | End of chapter test |
Exit Tickets | End of unit test |
Polling in class, Surveys | End of course exam |
1-minute paper | Midterm exam |
Homework or classwork | Final project or paper |
Infographics, charts, diagrams | Portfolio |
Summary or bullet pts of reading or lecture | Certification Exams |
Talking or Discussion | |
Reflective Activities | |
Socratic seminar | |
Self-Assessment | |
Peer feedback/review |