Wellness is an important part of our everyday lives. The things we do and the relationships we build contribute to our wellbeing. This year the CTLE is focusing on wellness. We want to help faculty and staff implement wellness strategies into their everyday lives, both at work and at home.
Our goal is to help interested parties get connected to information and to one another through common activities or hobbies that they enjoy doing. Some of the areas of wellness we will be focusing on include physical, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal wellness. We are also partnering with Human Resources to provide other wellness opportunities for faculty and staff.
For those interested in learning more about what the Saint Leo Wellness Center has the offer, check out their website.
Wellness groups
Join our Viva Engage Wellness Discussion Group to get connected and see the latest news about the wellness groups.
Also check out the individual wellness groups in Viva Engage. Make sure you login to your Saint Leo Microsoft account to access the Viva Engage groups.
Check out an overview video on how to use Viva Engage as well as their support page. Viva Engage is a very easy to navigate social platform that allows for posting and collaboration.
If you are interested in creating a new interest group, create a new Viva Engage community. Once you have the community created, email greg.kunzweiler@saintleo.edu the link to the group and he will post it on this page. You can also share it on our general Wellness Viva Engage group. The general wellness group page is a great place to post about or invite others to your group. Let everyone know when your first meeting is and tell them to come along!
Email notifications: You can customize your Viva Engage email notifications in the Viva Engage settings page. You can also watch the following video on Viva Engage notifications and announcements.
Customize a Viva Engage community
One more option you have to stay connected is to install the Viva Engage app on your computer or phone. Here are the links.
More to Come!
Be on the lookout for more events or activities on our Wellness Viva Engage Group.
Previous Wellness Webinars hosted by CTLE