Did you learn something at Faculty Development Day that could enhance your teaching and your student’s learning? Would you like to continue the conversation with your colleagues? The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence would like to support your inquiry by hosting TLC groups. If you are interested in furthering the discussion, please complete the TLC Interest Form attached to the bottom of this page to let us know the topic in which you’re interested.
Possible TLC Topics, depending on faculty interest, include:
- Hybrid Teaching
- Student Disengagement
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Other (fill in a topic on the TLC Interest Form)
Suggested Structure for Groups:
- Meet 3-4 times fall semester (with the option to continue through spring, if desired).
- 60-minute meetings held virtually.
- Groups set their own goals (i.e., try one strategy before each meeting; or bring one resource to discuss).
- Each member shares something at each meeting (insights, strategies, resources, etc.).
- Repeat each month, possibly trying something a colleague shared.
The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will support the groups by:
- Setting up a Microsoft Team as a place to share documents, communicate, video conference
- Providing a volunteer faculty facilitator for each group
- Providing opportunities to present at Spring Faculty Development Day
What’s in it for the faculty member?
- To enhance your practice
- To share knowledge
- To engage in collaborative problem solving
- To present at Faculty Development Day for spring
- To write a blog post for our CTLE website
- For scholarship (manuscripts, presentations, etc.)
- Leaderboard points 🙂