Attention Atlanta Faculty

Mark your calendars!  Your Center Directors and the Saint Leo University Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence invite you to attend a special Faculty Development Event designed just for the Atlanta region faculty members.  In order to accommodate your busy schedules, we are hosting the event twice at two locations. Mark your calendars and register online for one of the follow locations: 

Gwinnett, Friday, February 21, 5:30 – 8:30 (Dinner is included).

Atlanta, Saturday, February 22, 9:30-12:30 (Lunch is included).

What to Expect at Spring 2020 Faculty Development Day


Academic Policies and ProceduresRafael Rosado-Ortiz
Academic RigorPhillip Neely
Accessibility ServicesMichael Bailey
Center for Teaching and Learning ExcellenceCandace Roberts
Effective Peer Review/Feedback for Writing/Preventing PlagiarismMelissa Jones
Karen Garcia
Using D2L to provide feedback
on student writing
Greg Kunzweiler
Teaching in VTT with ZoomGreg Kunzweiler
Daniel Jordan
Using “Writing to Learn” Strategies to Help Students Master the ContentCandace Roberts