
Resources for Supporting Project-Based Learning in your Courses

Data! Data! Data! I can’t make bricks without clay. – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

In education, data is the clay used to create the bricks of education. In this edition of the Faculty Spotlight, Dr. Joshua Adams discusses how project-based learning can be supported using data collection and analysis tools. There are a variety of methods, strategies, and tools which enable us to collect and analyze data for instructional purposes. Dr. Adams utilizes Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Services to achieve this instructional goal. He also highlights the benefit these tools can have for students and faculty conducting research in a variety of fields including, but certainly not limited to, business, education, health professions, math, science, and social sciences. Adams goes on to share how interested faculty can gain access, training, and support for these tools. Discover more on our Faculty Spotlight webpage.

CTLE invites you to attend Dr. Adams’ Base Camp at 12:00 p.m. on May 20th titled “Resources for Supporting Project-Based Learning in Your Courses.”

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