Check out October’s “Book-Marked” selection from the CTLE professional library.    Title:  Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning  Authors:…

What’s on your reading list this month?  If you’re looking for a great read, check out September’s featured book from…

The CTLE offers “Book-Marked,” a monthly book recommendation from our CTLE professional library.   

 “Book-Marked!,” is CTLE’s monthly book recommendation from our professional library.

In April, the CTLE started “Book-Marked!”, a monthly book recommendation from our CTLE professional library. This month’s featured book is:

In April, the CTLE started “Book-Marked!,” a monthly book recommendation from our CTLE professional library.  This month’s featured book is:

Did you know that the CTLE has a faculty professional library? Did you know we have an online catalog where…