Welcome Back, Colleagues!

We know the last few months have presented unique challenges professionally and personally. As the fall semester gets underway, we want you to know that we are here to support your teaching success every step of the way. In case you missed it, here’s a brief reminder of what’s on tap for the next couple of weeks of August:

Faculty Development Day
8/11 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: Our first-ever Virtual Faculty Development Day.  A schedule, description, and link for each presentation can be found on our Faculty Development Day website. Keep this page handy, as you will use these links on the day of the event to join the sessions you choose. Attendance will be taken via Zoom.

College Workshops
8/12 & 8/13:  As part of the Summit 2020 plan, we are offering virtual College Workshops for the first time this fall. Each workshop will be organized into four high impact areas: teaching presence, cognitive presence, social presence, and emotional presence. For the workshop schedules and links, please see our Events Calendar.

Hybrid Classroom Technology (Zoom) Sessions
8/14-8/24:  We will cover setting up Zoom, getting students connected to the class Zoom room, and some tips for how to effectively engage students when you are teaching them simultaneously in Zoom and on-ground. These sessions will be on-ground (and via Zoom), so in order to allow for social distancing, registration is required via the Events Calendar. We strongly encourage signing up for one of these sessions. For more details about these trainings, please refer to our Classroom Technology Resources page.

D2L Instructional Sessions
8/14-8/18:  These 30-minute virtual sessions will provide refreshers on some of the most frequently requested D2L topics. To check out the variety of D2L sessions and register, please visit the CTLE Events Calendar.

Simulated Experiences at Saint Leo
8/12:  Simulated experiences can provide real-word experiences in a safe environment while helping your students practice and acquire skills for their future professions. To find out more, register for “Practice, Proficiency, Perfection: Training and Testing with Simulated Experiences.” Check out our Simulation website for more options and info.

Instructor Guidebook
In addition to our continuous effort to support you with your teaching and learning needs, check out our new Instructor Guidebook. This guidebook provides you tons of strategies, teaching tips, and tools to enhance teaching and learning in a hybrid environment.

We look forward to a successful fall 2020! To request additional support, feel free to reach out via:

•  One-on-One Support
•  Team member contact information

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Tech Tip Tuesday

D2L Gradebook Tips

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Follow these steps to join Faculty Development Day!

1. Log into OKTA First!

2. Join Zoom Events

3. Enter the Zoom Events Lobby and Choose Your Itinerary

4. Joint “Opening Remarks” Session at 8:30 AM

5. Enjoy the Fally 2024 Faculty Development Day