Virtual Lessons For Your Virtual Class

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the uncertainty that has overwhelmed the world has impacted the Saint Leo community as well. Just like we have overcome challenges of the past, we will weather this storm together as well.

The shift from on-ground to online has required professors to make substantial changes in their teaching methods, undoubtedly leaving many feeling a little frazzled and searching for new strategies to achieve the same rigorous outcomes in their courses. If you now find yourself searching for a way to provide your students opportunities to practice a skill, engage in a role-play, participate in professional interviews, or almost any other real world person-to-person interaction, a Simulated Experience is an excellent option.

Simulations provide effective learning experiences for students to test and strengthen their skills both inside and outside of the classroom. If you fear your students may have to miss out on important in-class interactions as a result of the transition, consider a Simulated Experience as a fun and efficient alternative for a learning activity, project or even a final exam. If faculty members cannot be present for a simulation, they can have their students schedule their interactions independently. All interactions will be recorded and can be viewed by faculty at a later time.

Although this may be a season of uncertainty, Simulated Experiences at Saint Leo is ready to deliver the same high-quality student learning experiences as before COVID-19. Those who previously scheduled Simulations can count on those continuing as planned. If a simulation was already scheduled to take place in an on-ground location, it can still be performed online, and will be just as effective. Those who have been planning to schedule a simulation for the summer or fall should not hesitate to do so. Our Simulation Specialist are ready and available to help you design learning experiences for your students to meet your course objectives.

To schedule a simulation or for information regarding new simulations or previously scheduled simulations, contact your Simulation Specialist: Emily Kochanski.

If you would like to request faculty support from a CTLE team member, please complete the following form.

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4. Joint “Opening Remarks” Session at 8:30 AM

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