Welcome to the CTLE Faculty Leaderboard! This page allows all faculty to easily view and print their comprehensive transcript of all the professional development events and programs they’ve attended through the Center for Teaching Learning & Excellence (CTLE). You can create your own Faculty Transcript by following the directions below. At CTLE, we offer a wide range of opportunities for faculty to enhance their teaching skills and explore innovative pedagogical approaches. From our biannual Faculty Development Days held in the spring and fall semesters, to specialized webinars, workshops, and Courses for Teaching and Learning (CTLs), we strive to provide a rich learning environment that fosters continuous growth and excellence in teaching and learning. The Faculty Leaderboard not only serves as a record of your professional development journey but also encourages you to actively participate, apply what you’ve learned, and share your experiences with your colleagues. Join us in our commitment to creating an engaging and student-centered learning experience across the university.
See Instructions to Print your own Transcript Below!
Create your own Faculty Transcript
You can now view your individual faculty transcript, which includes all the CTLE professional development you completed in the last 3 years. Once you pull up the transcript and select your name, you have two options to save or print it out.

- 1. Press the Windows logo key + Shift + S to take a screenshot of the transcript. Then you can save or print it.
- 2. Press CTRL+P to pull up the print menu.
Scroll down the menu options and select the “background graphics” check box.
Then you can either save it as a PDF or print it out.
If you have any questions, email CTLE@saintleo.edu.
Welcome to the CTLE Faculty Leaderboard! Everyone knows the CTLE offers multiple opportunities for professional development. This leaderboard was created to encourage faculty to participate in various professional development opportunities such as Faculty Development Days, Base Camps, Webinars, TLCs and Courses for Teaching and Learning (CTLs). We want to encourage you to apply what you learn, and share that knowledge and experience with other faculty.
The Competition
How can you earn points
There are several ways to earn points on the leaderboard.
- 1. Attend a CTLE event. Events include faculty development days, webinars, and other CTLE sponsored events or courses.
- 2. Moderate an event. If you moderate during one of our faculty development days, you can earn 50 points.
- 3. Apply & Reflect – To complete the “apply and reflect,” component, you must take a teaching strategy, concept or tool that you have recently learned and apply it to your teaching. Example: After attending a CTLE webinar on Active learning strategies, you apply one or more of the strategies you learned from the webinar into your classes. Once you have applied the strategy, you will complete the reflection form on how it impacted the teaching and learning in your class.
Reflection Questions/Comments:- 1. How did it impact your teaching?
- 2. How did it impact student learning?
- 3. What went well?
- 4. What needs to be changed or improved?
- 5. List the resources you used in your application.
Once you have answered the questions, please complete the reflection form to receive points.- 1. Presentations for faculty development days or CTLE webinars
Sharing/Presenting at a CTLE event. Share with the academic community a teaching strategy, discovery, or technology tool that you’ve learned through CTLE participation and have subsequently incorporated into your teaching.
Examples of sharing can include
- 2. Videos about teaching strategies or tech tools created and shared on the CTLE website
- 3. Presentations at College or Department meetings
- 4. Lead workshops5.. Published Articles
Points (per hour)
Eligible Events
100 per meeting
*Points will be awarded for completing CTLs based on their estimated hour for completion.
(Example: 1 hour CTL = 100 points; 3-hour CTL = 300 points)
Important Reminders
- When attending a CTLE event, make sure you log in using your Saint Leo Zoom account.
- If you would like your name removed from the leaderboard, email your request to ctle@saintleo.edu.