Get ready to transform your classroom into a launchpad for engaging learning! This page offers a collection of articles and activities that harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make education fun and interactive. Discover captivating games and exciting digital applications that will spark student interest and propel them toward academic success. Soar into the world of AI-powered learning and ignite a passion for knowledge in your students!

ChatGPT & OpenAI

My team and I test hundreds of AI tools and share the top ones - saving you the work | Facebook 

Future Tools

Find The Exact AI Tool For Your Needs 

Tech Tip Tuesday

D2L Gradebook Tips

Tuesday, December 3rd at 1:00 PM

Follow these steps to join Faculty Development Day!

1. Log into OKTA First!

2. Join Zoom Events

3. Enter the Zoom Events Lobby and Choose Your Itinerary

4. Joint “Opening Remarks” Session at 8:30 AM

5. Enjoy the Fally 2024 Faculty Development Day