Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Serves Faculty – Near and Far

Open House for the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence – Aug. 19, 8:30-11:30 a.m.

This fall, the Saint Leo University Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence is rolling out a new space and a new website for faculty.  Both places are designed to serve faculty.  Whether you work off campus or on, full-time or adjunct, check out our website at  where faculty can go to access myriad resources for teaching or scholarship, and to register for a variety of professional development offerings. The newly renovated physical space for faculty is in Saint Edward Hall, Suite 102.  This space is designed for faculty to have collaborative work space, a place to engage in a book study,  hold a faculty learning community, or participate in workshops, Lunch & Learns, or demonstrations.   For those who are on campus for beginning-of-the-year activities and meetings, we hope you’ll stop by during our open house on August 19, 8:30- 11:30 am.  Enjoy a cup of coffee and a bagel with friends.  Peruse our faculty publication book shelf and check out the resources available to support your work as an academic.

A Place for Faculty
The important thing for faculty members to know is that the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence is a different kind of “place.”  It’s a virtual place; it’s a physical space.  It’s a resource center for teaching and scholarship.  It’s a place for all faculty – full-time and part-time, World-Wide and campus.  It’s a place for instructors to find support for teaching in all modalities (on-ground, online, Blended, VTT, or ICC).  It’s a place for faculty to collaborate, to share questions and conundrums, best practices or tech tips.  It’s a place for inquiry, where faculty can engage in faculty learning communities to dig deeper into areas of common interest.  It’s a resource hub where faculty can connect to each other or to the resources they need.  In short, it’s a place for YOU.

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Follow these steps to join Faculty Development Day!

1. Log into OKTA First!

2. Join Zoom Events

3. Enter the Zoom Events Lobby and Choose Your Itinerary

4. Joint “Opening Remarks” Session at 8:30 AM

5. Enjoy the Fally 2024 Faculty Development Day