Teaching during a pandemic: What I learned about teaching that transcends location
Teaching during a pandemic has been no easy feat. Have our teaching priorities, strategies, and passions changed since the pandemic? For most of us, the experience required us to change our teaching modalities, methods, or tools. What lies ahead? As we look forward to coming together in the fall (hopefully face to face) for Faculty Development Day, it’s time to honor the teacher in each of us, to reconnect with our individual and collective teaching identities, and to share our stories and practices.
Theme: Teaching during a pandemic: What I learned about teaching that transcends location
Date: August 11, 2020
Place: Kirk Hall
Proposal Deadline: May 29, 2020
1. 50 minute presentation – single presenter
2. 50 minute panel presentation – 2-3 presenters with collaborative proposal
Possible presentation topics include:
♦ Challenges & lessons learned
♦ How my teaching has changed
♦ Cool tools I hadn’t used before
♦ Science online
♦ Fine and performance arts online
♦ Class presentations 2.0
♦ Creating community
♦ Active learning online
♦ Collaboration online
♦ Compassion in teaching
♦ Zoombombing
♦ D2L gradebook tips
♦ D2L things I didn’t know
♦ In case of emergency, break glass: Ways to create course shells that support both on-ground and online learning.
♦ Other
To submit a proposal: go to this Faculty Development Day – Fall 2020 page on our website and complete the online form.