
Digi-Know You Have Access to All the CTLE Resources Online?

The beginning of the semester has been a whirlwind of information, training sessions, and new resources. All of our guides, live sessions, and training materials are now available on our website. The CTLE team invites you to take a look at our most recently added resources.

Zoom Resources

Whether you are teaching online or in a hybrid environment, our Zoom Resources page has ample guides, instructions, video tutorials, and tips for teaching with Zoom.

Faculty Development Day

On our Faculty Development Day page, you can find information on all the sessions we had that day, including the descriptions, the PowerPoints, and a recording of each presentation.

College Workshops

As part of the Summit 2020 plan, we offered virtual College Workshops for the first time this fall. These workshops were designed to offer you the opportunity to connect with colleagues and to explore best practices for teaching in any environment. On our College Workshop page, you can find information on each of the four teaching presences, the presentation slides, and examples.

Hybrid Classroom Technology

During the fall 2020 semester, Saint Leo’s on-ground classes shifted to a new hybrid model. This new model blends online and face-to-face classes together. On our Classroom Technology page, you can find information on the classroom equipment setup, instruction guides, and walk-through videos.

D2L Teaching Resources

On our D2L Teaching Resources page, you can find information to enhance your course shell(s) to be used in any teaching environment (on-ground, online, hybrid), as well as on-demand resources with “How-To” instructions, screenshots, and video tutorials. Topics include creating content, assignments, discussions, grade items, student groups, quizzes, and much more. For 24-hour D2L assistance, you can contact Technical Support at 1-866-928-2439.

Simulated Experiences at Saint Leo

Give your students a virtual reality check! We have interactive scenarios to offer almost any discipline from each of our three colleges, so check out our Simulation page for information on how these scenarios can fit into your course, and learn how to schedule your session(s) this semester.

Instructor Guidebook for Teaching in a Hybrid Environment

Our new Instructor Guidebook, provides a variety of strategies, teaching tips, and tools to enhance teaching and learning in a hybrid environment.

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